Disco Infernal – A Hallowe’en RAVE w. Move D!!

October 22nd, 2012 | Blog | irgo | Comments Off on Disco Infernal – A Hallowe’en RAVE w. Move D!!

Hello all!!  As houseaddict moves into our 9th year of existence, you would think it quite difficult to keep our events fresh, and with new experiences.  Well, we’re certainly fortunate to have colleagues the likes of breakandenter, and Lost Kitten, who help to do JUST THAT!!!  That’s right guys, we’ve got an official hallowe’en rave on our hands, and this one goes late ; )

(click on the image to go to the event)

There are THREE very distinct features to this event that makes it so different than anything we’ve ever done:

–>> THE MUSIC (2 ROOMS OF IT!!) –>> cue Michael Jackons’s “Thriller” ….LOL!

Headliner for this dope jam is none other than Move D, and to boot, well he’ll be spinning 100% vinyl on this special night.  Can you tell us the last time you were at a jam and the tunes were all on rekkids?  (please do tell us if you have, cause we’d like to start partying with you more at these amazing events).  Move’s eclectic deep sounds are known world-wide, and frequently get charted by some of our favourite artists, including the one and only Jimpster –> October RA Top 10 Chart (check #9).

Many a promoter would simply direct you to Move’s soundcloud page to check his digs, but the dude has such an amazing collection of sets on there, it’s really hard to get through it all.  As a result, we’d like to serve you with our favourite set of his at the moment…

[soundcloud params=”auto_play=false&show_comments=true”]http://soundcloud.com/move-d/move-d-n-o-g-2012-07-22[/soundcloud]

The supporting line-up for this rave is absolutely perfect to accompany an artist such as Move, and covers a broad spectrum of house and techno.  These performers are no strangers to you friends, but it’s the first time they’ve all been under one single roof:

Nitin // Mike Gibbs // Twonz // MightyKat // Lee Osborne // irGO // Martin Fazekas

–>> THE VENUE –>> SPK – Polish Combatant’s Hall (206 Beverley St., @ Cecil)

While there is a ton of history behind this brick-laden/sound proof hall, as a raver, you really only need to know one thing: IT’S GOING TO BE FUCKING LOUD IN THERE!!  Not to mention there will be ample amounts of Polish beer being served.  You do enjoy a cold frosty one, right??  This could be us hoisting a few on Saturday:


–>> THE DECOR –>> Local artist (and ex-male stripper…ahem), Christian Aldo, will be spending the entire day converting this bunker into his version of hell!!  If you take a look at the interview linked to his name, well, you can only imagine what the hell he has in store for us on October 27th.  We can’t wait!

As you can see, we’ve really got an amazing combination of music/venue/decor for this Disco Infernal rave.  Don’t miss out on what should be the most unique hallowe’en experience you’ve ever had!

Cheersch, from the houseaddict team : )